Recent changes

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[2022.02.20]   19458 Eurogold: Selling price of the coin 1 lats - Gingerbread heart changed from 3.00 € to 3.50
[2021.12.30]   19351 Eurogold: On sale coin 1 lats - Gingerbread heart with price 3.00
[2021.12.24]   19207 Eurogold: Coin 1 lats - Gingerbread heart taken out of sale
[2019.10.20]   18516 Eurogold: Selling price of the coin 1 lats - Gingerbread heart changed from 2.50 € to 3.00
[2019.09.11]   18394 Eurogold: On sale coin 1 lats - Gingerbread heart with price 2.50
[2019.05.15]   18157 Eurogold: Coin 1 lats - Gingerbread heart taken out of sale
[2018.09.16]   17036 Eurogold: On sale coin 1 lats - Gingerbread heart with price 2.50
[2017.07.28]   16470 Eurogold: Coin 1 lats - Gingerbread heart taken out of sale
[2015.02.01]   12262 Latviancoins: Received coin ad 1 lats - Gingerbread heart with 1.42
[2014.12.04]   12108 Latviancoins: Coin 1 lats - Gingerbread heart taken out of sale
[2014.11.10]   12053 coininvest.lv: Coin 1 lats - Gingerbread heart taken out of sale
[2014.04.15]   11013 Eurogold: On sale coin 1 lats - Gingerbread heart with price 2.50
[2014.04.15]   10986 Latviancoins: Received coin ad 1 lats - Gingerbread heart with 1.42
[2014.04.14]   10937 Eurogold: Coin 1 lats - Gingerbread heart taken out of sale
[2014.03.07]   10826 Latviancoins: On sale coin 1 lats - Gingerbread heart with price 2.50
[2014.03.06]   10772 Latviancoins: Coin 1 lats - Gingerbread heart taken out of sale
[2014.01.27]   9527 coininvest.lv: Selling price of the coin 1 lats - Gingerbread heart changed from 2.85 € to 4.27
[2014.01.09]   7492 Latviancoins: Selling price of the coin 1 lats - Gingerbread heart changed from 1.99 € to 2.50
[2014.01.09]   7203 Eurogold: Selling price of the coin 1 lats - Gingerbread heart changed from 2.13 € to 2.50
[2013.11.06]   2159 Latviancoins: Selling price of the coin 1 lats - Gingerbread heart changed from 1.71 € to 1.99
[2013.04.11]   752 Latviancoins: On sale coin 1 lats - Gingerbread heart with price 1.71
[2013.03.11]   751 Latviancoins: Coin 1 lats - Gingerbread heart taken out of sale
[2013.02.21]   307 Rns: Coin 1 lats - Gingerbread heart taken out of sale