Recent changes

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[2016.09.15]   15998 Eurogold: Purchase price of the coin National Entrepreneur changed from 150.00 € to 160.00
[2016.09.15]   15999 Rns: Selling price of the coin “Baltars”. Porcelain changed from 90.00 € to 75.00
[2016.09.13]   15995 Eurogold: Received coin ad National Entrepreneur with 150.00
[2016.09.08]   15989 Rns: Selling price of the coin Latvian euro coins Set / Latvian Brown Cow / BU changed from 30.00 € to 33.00
[2016.09.01]   15979 Rns: Selling price of the coin Fairy Tale Coin I. Five Cats changed from 95.00 € to 115.00
[2016.09.01]   15978 Rns: Coin Collector Coin Issued Within the International Program Millennium taken out of sale
[2016.08.31]   15962 baltcoin.lv: Coin Fairy Tale Coin I. Five Cats taken out of sale
[2016.08.31]   15963 baltcoin.lv: Coin Latvian euro coins Set / Latvian Brown Cow / BU taken out of sale
[2016.08.31]   15964 baltcoin.lv: Coin 150 years of firefighting in Latvia taken out of sale
[2016.08.31]   15965 baltcoin.lv: Coin Ainaži Nautical School taken out of sale
[2016.08.31]   15966 baltcoin.lv: Coin The White Book taken out of sale
[2016.08.31]   15967 baltcoin.lv: Coin Baltic Way taken out of sale
[2016.08.31]   15968 baltcoin.lv: Coin Coin of the Seasons taken out of sale
[2016.08.31]   15969 baltcoin.lv: Coin Baroque of Courland taken out of sale
[2016.08.31]   15970 baltcoin.lv: Coin Old Stenders taken out of sale
[2016.08.31]   15971 baltcoin.lv: Coin 500 Years of the Riga Castle taken out of sale
[2016.08.31]   15972 baltcoin.lv: Coin Rainis and Aspazija taken out of sale
[2016.08.31]   15973 baltcoin.lv: Coin Melancholic waltz taken out of sale
[2016.08.31]   15974 baltcoin.lv: Coin 500 years of Livonian Ferding taken out of sale
[2016.08.31]   15975 baltcoin.lv: Coin Fairy Tale Coin II. Hedgehog Coat taken out of sale
[2016.08.31]   15976 baltcoin.lv: Coin “Baltars”. Porcelain taken out of sale
[2016.08.31]   17276 baltcoin.lv: Coin Series: People. Rainis taken out of sale
[2016.08.31]   17293 baltcoin.lv: Coin Song Festival (Cu/Ni) taken out of sale
[2016.08.31]   17302 baltcoin.lv: Coin Riga-800. 15th Century taken out of sale
[2016.08.31]   17343 baltcoin.lv: Coin 5-lats Silver Collector Coin taken out of sale
[2016.08.31]   17361 baltcoin.lv: Coin Latvian euro coins BU Set 2014 taken out of sale
[2016.08.31]   17365 baltcoin.lv: Coin Euro starter kit taken out of sale
[2016.08.31]   17368 baltcoin.lv: Coin Riga - European Capital of Culture 2014 (BU) taken out of sale
[2016.08.31]   17369 baltcoin.lv: Coin The Latvian Presidency of the Council of the EU (BU) taken out of sale
[2016.08.31]   17389 baltcoin.lv: Coin Salt Lake City - 2002. Ice Hockey taken out of sale