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[2014.06.17]   11333 Latviancoins: Received coin ad Ice Hockey World Championship with 20.00
[2014.06.17]   11332 Latviancoins: Received coin ad Hansa Cities. Koknese with 33.00
[2014.06.17]   11331 Latviancoins: Received coin ad Torino - 2006. Bobsleigh with 38.00
[2014.06.17]   11329 Latviancoins: Received coin ad FIFA World Cup 2006 with 40.00
[2014.06.17]   11321 Rns: On sale coin The White Book with price 80.00
[2014.06.17]   11436 Latviancoins: On sale coin The White Book with price 80.00
[2014.06.17]   11429 Latviancoins: On sale coin Athens - 2004. Greco-Roman Wrestling with price 60.00
[2014.06.17]   11427 Latviancoins: On sale coin Coin of Time with price 500.00
[2014.06.17]   11424 Latviancoins: On sale coin Baron Münchhausen with price 150.00
[2014.06.17]   11416 Latviancoins: Selling price of the coin Ainaži Nautical School changed from 85.00 € to 95.00
[2014.06.17]   11414 Latviancoins: On sale coin Lucky coin with price 190.00
[2014.06.17]   11410 Latviancoins: On sale coin Series: Roots. Destiny with price 120.00
[2014.06.17]   11409 Latviancoins: On sale coin Latvian euro coins PROOF Set 2014 with price 100.00
[2014.06.17]   11406 Latviancoins: On sale coin Collector Coin Issued Within the International Program Millennium with price 100.00
[2014.06.17]   11392 Latviancoins: Selling price of the coin Baby Coin changed from 60.00 € to 65.00
[2014.06.17]   11386 Latviancoins: On sale coin 90th Anniversary of Latvia's Statehood with price 75.00
[2014.06.17]   11383 Latviancoins: On sale coin Coin of Water with price 140.00
[2014.06.17]   11381 Latviancoins: On sale coin The Smallest Gold Coins of the World - 5-lats Coin with price 130.00
[2014.06.17]   11378 Latviancoins: On sale coin Coin of Life with price 170.00
[2014.06.17]   11367 Latviancoins: Selling price of the coin Riga Cathedral changed from 31.50 € to 35.90
[2014.06.17]   11363 Latviancoins: Selling price of the coin Fog Mists the Pane changed from 45.00 € to 55.00
[2014.06.17]   11361 Latviancoins: Selling price of the coin The Latvian ABC Book (Cu/Ni) changed from 47.00 € to 55.00
[2014.06.17]   11354 Latviancoins: On sale coin The Piglet with price 50.00
[2014.06.17]   11352 Latviancoins: Selling price of the coin Basketball changed from 45.00 € to 50.00
[2014.06.17]   11350 Latviancoins: On sale coin Song Festival (Cu/Ni) with price 65.00
[2014.06.17]   11347 Latviancoins: On sale coin Series: State. Rebirth of the State with price 65.00
[2014.06.17]   11343 Latviancoins: Selling price of the coin Series: State. Foreign Rulers changed from 55.00 € to 60.00
[2014.06.17]   11341 Latviancoins: On sale coin Hansa Cities. Straupe with price 55.00
[2014.06.17]   11339 Latviancoins: On sale coin Series: State. Fight for Freedom with price 65.00
[2014.06.17]   11330 Latviancoins: On sale coin Torino - 2006. Bobsleigh with price 90.00