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[2020.11.27]   18895 Eurogold: Coin Freedom Fights (1918-1920) taken out of sale
[2020.11.27]   18896 Eurogold: Coin 2 EURO / The Latgalian Ceramics / BU taken out of sale
[2020.11.27]   18897 Eurogold: Coin Set of coins "The Latgalian Ceramics" taken out of sale
[2020.11.27]   18892 Eurogold: Coin Endangered Wildlife. European Mink taken out of sale
[2020.11.08]   18890 Eurogold: Coin Coin of Latvia taken out of sale
[2020.11.08]   18893 Eurogold: Coin Stork / BU taken out of sale
[2020.11.08]   18894 Eurogold: Coin The First session of LPNC taken out of sale
[2020.11.06]   18846 Eurogold: On sale coin Riga Money 800 with price 32.00
[2020.11.06]   18847 Eurogold: On sale coin Riga Cathedral with price 40.00
[2020.11.06]   18848 Eurogold: On sale coin Coin of Time III with price 68.00
[2020.11.06]   18850 Eurogold: On sale coin Coin of Latvia with price 650.00
[2020.11.06]   18854 Eurogold: Selling price of the coin Athens - 2004. Greco-Roman Wrestling changed from 100.00 € to 80.00
[2020.11.06]   18855 Eurogold: Selling price of the coin Collector Coin Issued within the UNICEF Program For the Children of the World changed from 80.00 € to 120.00
[2020.11.06]   18856 Eurogold: Selling price of the coin Collector Coin Track Cycling changed from 80.00 € to 140.00
[2020.11.06]   18857 Eurogold: On sale coin Gaff-Sail Schooner Julia Maria with price 135.00
[2020.11.06]   18858 Eurogold: Selling price of the coin 100 lats (1993) changed from 470.00 € to 530.00
[2020.11.06]   18861 Eurogold: Selling price of the coin Endangered Wildlife. Corncrake changed from 150.00 € to 275.00
[2020.11.06]   18862 Eurogold: Selling price of the coin Coin of Fortune changed from 300.00 € to 260.00
[2020.11.06]   18863 Eurogold: On sale coin The Latvian ABC Book with price 54.00
[2020.11.06]   18864 Eurogold: On sale coin Rudolf Blaumanis with price 39.00
[2020.11.06]   18867 Eurogold: On sale coin Coin of the Seasons with price 36.00
[2020.11.06]   18868 Eurogold: On sale coin Stork / BU with price 11.00
[2020.11.06]   18869 Eurogold: On sale coin “Baltars”. Porcelain with price 63.00
[2020.11.06]   18870 Eurogold: Selling price of the coin Gold Brooches. The Disc Fibula changed from 200.00 € to 235.00
[2020.11.06]   18872 Eurogold: On sale coin 2 EURO COIN / Vidzeme with price 2.50
[2020.11.06]   18873 Eurogold: Selling price of the coin The Earth changed from 95.00 € to 105.00
[2020.11.06]   18875 Eurogold: Selling price of the coin Gold Brooches. The Horseshoe Fibula changed from 350.00 € to 400.00
[2020.11.06]   18877 Eurogold: Selling price of the coin 2 EURO / 100th anniversary of the Baltic States / SET changed from 45.00 € to 35.00
[2020.11.06]   18881 Eurogold: On sale coin Niklāvs Strunke with price 56.00
[2020.11.06]   18882 Eurogold: On sale coin 2 EURO / THE RISING SUN with price 5.00