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[2015.02.12]   12311 Rns: Selling price of the coin University of Latvia changed from 31.50 € to 35.00
[2015.02.11]   12307 bank.lv: Coin University of Latvia taken out of sale
[2014.11.10]   11981 coininvest.lv: Coin University of Latvia taken out of sale
[2014.06.17]   11356 Latviancoins: Received coin ad University of Latvia with 25.00
[2014.03.05]   10672 Eurogold: Received coin ad University of Latvia with 26.00
[2014.02.04]   10426 Latviancoins: Selling price of the coin University of Latvia changed from 35.57 € to 31.50
[2014.01.09]   7635 Rns: Purchase price of the coin University of Latvia changed from 24.19 € to 25.00
[2014.01.09]   7410 Rns: Selling price of the coin University of Latvia changed from 31.73 € to 31.50
[2014.01.09]   7175 bank.lv: Selling price of the coin University of Latvia changed from 31.74 € to 31.75
[2013.12.29]   10490 Eurogold: Coin University of Latvia taken out of sale
[2013.12.03]   3060 bank.lv: Selling price of the coin University of Latvia changed from 35.98 € to 31.74
[2013.12.02]   3034 Rns: Purchase price of the coin University of Latvia changed from 25.61 € to 24.19
[2013.12.02]   3007 Rns: Selling price of the coin University of Latvia changed from 35.57 € to 31.73